If you are getting ready to take the PMP exam, the big questions are what will be different when the new PMBOK is published late 2017. All of the test is not from the PMBOK Guide®,but it is one of the primary references for the exam. You can expect to see updates covering the new lexicon changes and terminology used within the exam as well as a blending of process groups, tools, and techniques. If you’re utilizing the PMBOK Guide® as a study tool for the PMP, you can expect to find the following updates in the PMBOK Guide® – Sixth Edition:
A new chapter on the role of the project manager has been added to focus on leading projects effectively – competencies, experience and skills that are all necessary. Two Knowledge Areas have been re-named to more accurately reflect which elements can be managed… and which cannot: Time Management is now Schedule Management and Human Resource Management is now Resource Management. Every Knowledge Area features four new sections: Key Concepts, Trends and Emerging Practices, Tailoring Considerations and Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments.
How the ITTOs will be covered and handled on the test is unknown. I don’t think they will go away but maybe a little less emphasis on the trivial questions about the process and more situational questions covering concepts of the ITTOs. You’ll have until about May 2018 until the new test is used.